Right Pronunciation of importanti names


SITE DIRECTOR Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri is Full Professor of Linguistics at the University Roma Tre where he has held courses in General Linguistics, Historical Linguistics and English Language. He graduated in Florence, took a PhD in Linguistics in Rome, and spent long periods with scholarships and research grants in Vienna, Santa Barbara (CA) and Tokyo. His major work is in General linguistics, Italian, Japanese, Romance languages, English, Latin, Ancient Greek, Language of Advertising. He has translated the following books for prominent Italian publishers: Claude Hagège, Le souffle de la langue; Zellig Harris, Language and Information; Helmuth Plessner, Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch.

Full curriculum here

ASSISTANT Dr. Ilaria Margherita is specialized in phonetics, and is currently attending PhD courses in linguistics at the University of Pisa, Italy.

ASSISTANT Dr. Giulia Bottaro has graduated in the Humanities and further specialized in Web Managing for Cultural Initiatives.

ANCIENT GREEK has been entrusted to Dr. Stefano Guerrieri, who is currently attending PhD courses in Classical Philology at the Università Roma Tre. He has both dressed the list of relevant names, and pronounced them according to scientific criteria.

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All different voices you hear on Right Pronunciation belong to highly educated native speakers of the languages being pronounced (except for Latin and Ancient Greek!). They are typically language teachers at some school or university, but a few of them work in different contexts, always related to culture. Their competence and their position as native speakers have been checked carefully. Due to technical reasons related to automatic treatment, spellings of languages with complex alphabets have sometimes been simplified to the main characters, disregarding minor signs.